Wind Turbines Of Pennsylvania


Completed Turbine Installations in Pennsylvania
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Sky Stream 3.7 Wind Turbines
10 KW Bergey Wind Turbine
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)
Battery Charging Wind Turbines
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Windterra is a roof mountable 1kw turbine.


These turbines can be installed for $10,000 to $12,000. In most cases the structure mounted turbines will require additional support of the structure that they are mounted upon. These turbines weigh about 800 pounds each combining that weight with the forces of the wind make it particularly important to make sure the structure will support the forces put upon the turbine in a wind event. These turbines do qulaify for the 30% Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit.

The Wind Swift Turbine is a Horizontal Axis Turbine but is also a structure mountable Turbine and rated at 1.2kw.

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Wind Turbines of Pennsylvania
981 East State Street
Alliance Ohio 44601
330-502-1250 or 330-823-7733

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